The Awards Committee is eager to read your award nominations and celebrate your accomplishments so don’t let the deadline fly away. Visit the Professional Recognition tab on the OELMA website and check out the entire list of awards, scholarships, and grants. All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5. If you were nominated and need to finish Part B and submit your photo, please do so ASAP.
Here they are:
OELMA Ross J. Todd Collaborative School Library Award
OELMA Emerging Leader Award
OELMA Tech Innovation Award
OELMA Leadership-in-Action Award
OELMA Literacy Leader Award
OELMA Follett School Solutions Outstanding School Librarian Award
OELMA Service Award for School Administrators
OELMA Outstanding Contributor Award
OELMA J. Allen Oakum Scholarship
OELMA Founders Scholarship
OELMA/JLG Floyd Dickman Programming Grant
OELMA READ On! Ohio Award for Children & Teens
The Awards Committee has enjoyed bringing you these graphics each week. The White Lotus theme (thank you Amanda Brasfield) has been fun to create and a special thank you to the members of the Awards Committee for coming up with with weekly themes.
The Awards Committee
Casaundra Bronner
Gayle Brusk
Heidi Fletcher
Lisa Gallagher
Cheryl Lorson
Susan Yutzey