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Deadline for Nominations is Friday, April 4, 2025.

OELMA Ross J. Todd Collaborative School Library Award

The OELMA Ross J. Todd Collaborative School Library Award honors the life and contributions of Dr. Todd, a professor of library and information science at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. He was recognized, up until his death in 2022, as an award-winning expert on the transformative role of school libraries. In 2003 and 2004, Todd and his co-author, SC&I Distinguished Professor Emerita Carol Kuhlthau, received a “Certificate of Appreciation for Notable Service and Significant Service to Ohio’s School Libraries” from OELMA for their leading-edge study “Student Learning Through Ohio School Libraries, Part 1 and Part 2.” The purpose of this award is to recognize and encourage collaboration and partnerships between school library media specialists and the school community through joint planning of a program, project, or event in support of the curriculum, using school library resources and incorporating Ohio’s Library Guidelines for Librarians (2021).

OELMA Emerging Leader Award

The OELMA Emerging Leader Award recognizes members who have recently assumed an OELMA leadership role for the first time. This award honors members who demonstrate leadership potential and encourages members to actively participate in the Association.

OELMA Tech Innovation Award

The OELMA Tech Innovation Award honors a licensed school library media specialist who uses technology as a tool for learning and collaborates to promote the integration of technology throughout the curriculum. 

OELMA Intellectual Freedom Award

The OELMA Intellectual Freedom Award recognizes Ohio school library media specialists and/or other Ohio educators who demonstrate support for the American Library Association’s principles of intellectual freedom.  Award recipients exhibit a strong commitment to First Amendment values through the active promotion and defense of the Freedom to Read and ALA’s Principles of Intellectual Freedom.

OELMA Leadership-in-Action Award

The OELMA Leadership-in-Action Award recognizes an Ohio school library media specialist who pursues active leadership roles in their school district, in OELMA, and/or in national professional organizations (e.g. AASL, ALA). This Award honors OELMA members who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to leadership in the school library profession.

OELMA Literacy Leader Award

The OELMA Literacy Leader Award recognizes community organizations for exemplary support of literacy that reinforces student learning.  Recipient(s) of this award will be recommended for an AASL Commendation by OELMA.

OELMA/Follett School Solutions Outstanding School Librarian Award

The OELMA/Follett School Solutions Outstanding School Librarian Award recognizes a licensed Ohio school library media specialist who has developed an exemplary school library program.  The school library media specialist must incorporate through their daily practice  Ohio’s Library Guidelines for Librarians (2021) strands: equity, literacies, partnerships, and quality schools.

OELMA Service Award for School Administrators 

The OELMA Service Award for School Administrators honors school administrator(s) whose leadership has made a significant contribution to the school library media program and services within their learning community.

OELMA Outstanding Contributor Award

The OELMA Outstanding Contributor Award recognizes an Ohio licensed school library media specialist who has made outstanding contributions to school librarianship. The recipient demonstrates a long-term commitment to the school library profession while serving in OELMA leadership roles.

 OELMA J. Allen Oakum Scholarship

The OELMA J. Allen Oakum Scholarship is awarded to an Ohio resident enrolled in an accredited library school program, who is pursuing licensure in school library/media. This scholarship is intended to help defray educational costs for future library media specialists as they complete their studies.

OELMA Founders Scholarship

The OELMA Founders Scholarship is awarded to an Ohio resident enrolled in an accredited library school program, who is pursuing licensure in school library/media. This scholarship is intended to help defray educational costs for future library media specialists as they complete their studies.

OELMA/JLG Floyd Dickman Programming Grant

The OELMA/JLG Floyd Dickman Programming Grant honors the life and contributions of Floyd Dickman, a Library Consultant at the State Library of Ohio who retired in 1999 and was recognized, up until his death in 2015, for his leadership, commitment, and passion for children’s literature and family literacy. OELMA, partnering with Junior Library Guild in 2018, created the Floyd Dickman Programming Grant to fund programs that inspire children and youth to embrace the joy of reading. The grant continues the work that Floyd was passionate about during his lifetime.

OELMA READ On! Ohio Award for Children & Teens

The OELMA READ On! Ohio Award for Children & Teens recognizes K-12 students who are enthusiastic readers and who enjoy being in the school and/or public library and using  its many services. The student must be nominated by an Ohio licensed school library media specialist or public library staff member.  The nominee must be enrolled in an Ohio K-12 school at the time of nomination.

Ohio Educational Library Media Association                                                                                     Contact Us | Website:

675 Alpha Drive, Suite E and K
Highland Heights, OH 44143 

Phone: 614.647.3487 

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2022 Ohio Educational Library Media Association

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