OELMA/JLG Floyd Dickman Programming Grant |
The OELMA/JLG Floyd Dickman Programming Grant honors the life and contributions of Floyd Dickman, a Library Consultant at the State Library of Ohio who retired in 1999 and was recognized, up until his death in 2015, for his leadership, commitment, and passion for children’s literature and family literacy. OELMA, partnering with Junior Library Guild in 2018, created the Floyd Dickman Programming Grant to fund programs that inspire children and youth to embrace the joy of reading. The grant continues the work that Floyd was passionate about during his lifetime. The OELMA/JLG Floyd Dickman Programming Grant recipient receives a commemorative certificate at the OELMA annual conference. In addition, JLG will collaborate with the recipient to select $250 in award-winning books that meet the goal of the grant. The recipient's name will be announced through the OELMA listserv, website and social media. |
The OELMA/JLG Floyd Dickman Programming Grant recipient will be selected from applicants and nominees who meet the following criteria:
An OELMA member is eligible for any award and/or scholarship unless they serve as a member of the OELMA Awards/Scholarship Committee, an elected officer of OELMA, or a liaison to OELMA.
Application should include the following materials:
Completed online OELMA/JLG Floyd Dickman Programming Grant Application Form which requires a 350-word statement that speaks to evidence of a school library program or activity that supports reading and how the grant will be used in the school library to enhance the print collection and inspire the joy of reading among children and/or youth
Uploaded photograph of the applicant (jpg or gif format)
Uploaded letter of support from a school administrator
Late materials will not be accepted. All application materials must be submitted to OELMA using the online application form by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025. You will be able to upload supporting materials to the online form.