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oelma Service award for school administrators

The OELMA Service Award for School Administrators honors school administrator(s) whose leadership has made a significant contribution to the school library media program and services within their learning community.

Multiple recipients may receive the OELMA Service Award for School Administrators.  The recipients receive a commemorative plaque at the OELMA annual conference.  Each recipient's name will be announced through the OELMA listserv, website and social media.


The OELMA Service Award for School Administrators recipient will be selected from applicants and nominees who meet the following criteria:
  • Nominees must be a school administrator (e.g. superintendent, building principal, or a district administrator responsible for instructional leadership including directors of curriculum and instruction, directors of elementary and/or secondary education, or technology directors)

  • Nominee must provide evidence of their impact on school library media center programs and services 

  • Must be nominated by an OELMA member

An OELMA member is eligible for any award and/or scholarship unless they serve as a member of the OELMA Awards/Scholarship Committee, an elected officer of OELMA, or a liaison to OELMA.



  1. Complete and upload the OELMA Awards Nominator Form Part A which requires a 500-word statement that speaks to the criteria outlined in the OELMA Service Award for Administrators Checklist.

  2. Upload a photograph of the nominee (jpg or gif format).

  3. Upload resume.

  4. A required letter from the nominee (administrator) that addresses how they have significantly affected the school library media center’s services and programs. Incorporate within the letter examples from Ohio’s Library Guidelines for Librarians (2021).

  5. Additional documents such as a letter(s) of recommendation from colleague(s) and/or supervisors that explain how the nominee meets the criteria outlined in the OELMA Service Award for School Administrators Checklist are encouraged.


Late materials will not be accepted.  All application materials must be submitted to OELMA using the online application form by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025. You will be able to upload supporting materials to the online form.

Ohio Educational Library Media Association                                                                                     Contact Us| Website:

675 Alpha Drive, Suite E and K
Highland Heights, OH 44143

Phone: 614.647.3487  

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